Hey, I’m Bailey Rose

I’ll take that spark or vision swirling in your head, pin it down, and turn it into something entirely yours, so you can more boldly step into the brand identity you’ve always imagined. 

This work is personal. I’ll uncover the incredible uniquities that make you you, and amplify them with beautiful, intentional design. I listen. I dive deep to understand what truly matters to you and your business. And I collaborate with you long term.

I’ve seen too many women playing it safe or small, leaving money on the table or missing opportunities because they can’t see (and sell) their true value. They have the vision and the ambition, but their brand doesn’t really reflect how amazing they really are.

about me

creative strategist & designer

Your brand should grow with you. Are outdated visuals, positioning or messaging holding you back and turning away the clients you want?

Use my quick, insightful checklist to see whether it’s time for a refresh.

Find out with my FREE 5-minute quiz

Find out with my FREE 5-minute quiz

Is your current branding holding you back?

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